Potential Home Buyer Closing Costs

Home Buyer Closing Costs


Potential Home Buyer Closing Costs | First Time Home Buyer Calgary
Potential Home Buyer Closing Costs

One of the easily overlooked parts of purchasing a new home is preparing for the home buyer closing costs .  The list below shows some of the items you may not have considered prior to purchasing your home that will need to be allocated for.

To download your free Home Buyer Closing Cost worksheet, visit the download link below.


(Sample based on $400,000 home)

Bank Appraisal ($300.00) ________________
Condo Document Review $400.00 ________________
Home Inspection $500.00 ________________
Property Tax Adjustment $1500.00 (1/2 year max.) ________________
Home Insurance $500.00 ________________
Legal: Lawyer Fee $895.00 ________________
Legal: Disbursements $300.00 ________________
Real Property Report  (Seller Supplied) ($600.00) ________________
Moving Costs $500.00 ________________
SUBTOTAL $4,195.00 ________________
Utility Connections Deposits
  • SHAW Cable
$150.00  ________________
  • Direct Energy Gas
$200.00  ________________
  • ENMAX /Electric
$200.00  ________________
  • Telus Internet /Phone
$150.00  ________________

 Budget Approx


Worst Case




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To find additional helpful guides and documents, visit: https://auburnbaysetonhomes.com/packages-for-available-for-download


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